Nat Gould

His life and books

Trainers' Tales

This is the last book written by Nat Gould to have been published.

It was announced as "Tales of a Trainer" in 1919 shortly after he died:

"Tales of a Trainer by Nat Gould - This series of racing stories is the latest and most fascinating work of the greatest of all sporting novelists, and in many respects is the crowning achievement of his life's work. The final chapters of the manuscript and the revised proof sheets were received from Mr Gould a few days before his death, which has just occurred at his home in Bedfont, Staines.
No novelist has been able to write of the turf with such vigour and graphic touch as Nat Gould, whose admirers are counted by millions. His "Tales of a Trainer are replete with dramatic incident, thrilling scenes, and unique situations, written, as the great author had the happy knack of doing, to appeal irresistibly to all classes.
No.1 of the Series, entitled "Dalesend's Double," will appear exclusively in WEEKLY NEWS On Sale FRIDAY, August 8." (1)

It was not apparently then published as a book., and is presumably that published as "Trainers' Tales" in 1927.

For a review of this book see the Biography page.

(1) Sunday Post (Glasgow) 3 August 1919.